Beyond DevOps - What’s Next?
11:45 AM - 12:15 PM (EDT)

One thing matters most -- our ability to rapidly and reliably create new value through software. The pandemic’s tragic loss of life and economic damage across the world also acted as a singularity event for technology. Developers, the cloud, cloud-native architecture, and highly productive remote work immediately converged to advanced our ability to create software years ahead. Acceptance of a digital economy and engaging through the digital world was transformative rather than evolutionary. Digital collaboration, data analytics, APIs, cybersecurity advancements moved from experimental projects into the mainstream. DevOps, how we create software, move for “when should we adopt” to make it happen now. But is our conception of DevOps sufficient to both propel us into a digital world and empower us to create the next generation of transformative products, services and markets.

Mitch Ashley