Why Cloud-Native Requires New Approaches for Data Security
Date & Time
Tuesday, October 4, 2022, 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM
Ravi Ithal

The age-old question that is central to data security - “Where is my data and who can access it” - has become very hard to answer in the new world of cloud-native application development with microservices, CICD and infrastructure-as-code. Not only is the data getting proliferated, but the access and paths to the data are as well.

Yet, even though securing data is central to Infosec, neither third-party tools nor the major service providers do enough to help you answer these questions. In the shared responsibility model, it’s on your organization to ensure that security access controls are properly configured for multi-cloud environments.

This session will discuss the challenges associated with modern data security and new ways to better discover and secure data in native-cloud environments.

Session Type
Keynote Session
Virtual Session Link