Mastering the DevTestOps Symphony: Unleashing the Power of Collaboration
Date & Time
Tuesday, October 10, 2023, 9:45 AM - 10:15 AM

Setting up a Test Center of Excellence(TCoE) within any organization has always included certain challenges, either from an implementation or a business standpoint. Moreover, testing processes haven’t been able to keep pace with the rapid advances in software development. Hence, the need has risen to promote and expand the role of Test Automation in the Test CoE.

Application teams need to be made accountable for code development, testing and deployment, which would make decentralized testing a success. Additionally, defining appropriate coding standards and best practices, mentoring teams, and identifying the right set of tools and resources would help in timely delivery of top-quality software. Thus, the first immediate step would be to establish a scalable test automation framework that would help integrate and support all forms of testing.

DevTestOps is a combination of DevOps and continuous testing. It ensures that, not only does the product being developed get delivered at the expected time-to-market with a good UX, but also that it has optimal test coverage.
Most importantly, in order to kickstart DevTestOps - everyone must be aligned and have a complete understanding that testing needs to be performed throughout the entire workflow.

So, as part of this session, you will learn more about the role of DevTestOps and how to approach testing software with an agile mindset! Also, you will learn how AI can play a wonderful role in testing, and be the key to achieving a successful DevTestOps strategy!

Key Takeaways:

  1. DevTestOps is built upon continuous integration, delivery, testing and feedback.
  2. Just because you can test and automate everything doesn’t imply that you should be doing so.
  3. Test in tandem with the team rather than testing in siloes.
  4. Embrace all testing activities over automated functional testing.
Siddhant Wadhwani