Full Name
Dr. Amit Elazari
Job Title
Director of Global Cybersecurity Policy
Intel Corp
Speaker Bio
Dr. Amit Elazari is director of global cybersecurity policy at Intel Corp. global government affairs organization and a lecturer at UC Berkeley School of Information. Her work on security and technology law has been published in leading academic journals and popular press, including The New York Times, The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal and presented at top conferences including RSA, BlackHat, USENIX Enigma, USENIX Security and more. She graduated with her Doctor of Science of the Law (J.S.D.) from UC Berkeley School of Law. She is the co-founder of the Disclose.io project for advancing legal protections for cybersecurity researchers. Her work was awarded a USENIX Security Distinguished Paper Award, Annual Privacy Papers for Policymakers (PPPM) Award Academic Paper Honorable Mention, Casper Bowden PET award for Outstanding Research in Privacy Enhancing Technologies, among others. She is currently one of the co-editors of ISO/IEC 27402 for IoT Security Baseline Requirements.
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