Testing in Production with Continuous Delivery & Feature Flags
Date & Time
Wednesday, May 11, 2022, 3:30 PM - 4:20 PM
Cassie Souza

Testing in production used to be a joke. In fact, it was a popular "Most interesting man in the world" meme. But as life imitates art, this meme became reality. It turns out the best tests to learn from are the ones that match production. So when looking for feature flag solutions, developers and software delivery teams find themselves looking for ways to test their code and deployments in prod! In this talk we will dip our toes into the world of feature flags. We'll begin with an overview of what they are, how to think about them, and why both engineers and business users find feature flags valuable. In addition, you’ll learn how to get started with continuous delivery, and the key things to look out for once you "Do it live!".

Track Type
Techstrong TV Live Broadcast
Junior Ballroom C