The Value of DevOps Transformation in the Digital Enterprise
Date & Time
Thursday, February 11, 2021, 12:30 PM - 1:00 PM
Mark Howell Rosalind Radcliffe

DevOps transformations are never exactly alike, but there are some similar experiences from which we can all take away best practices as they might apply to our organization. Join us as Rosalind Radcliffe, Distinguished Engineer at IBM, and Mark Howell, DevOps Centre of Excellence Lead at Lloyds Banking Group, discuss the DevOps transformation journey on IBM Z at Lloyds Banking Group, DevOps Dozen Industry Implementation of the year. They will share their insights and practical experiences in delivering business agility with an integrated and open pipeline and driving business value.

Location Name
Open Mainframe 2021
Virtual Session Link
Session Type
Keynote Session