Day 2 Is Now
Track Name
Digital Transformation - Day 2 Is Now
Session Type
Keynote Session
Date & Time
Thursday, January 12, 2023, 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM

In this keynote panel, Techstrong Research analysts and executives will dig into digital transformation trends for 2023 with a panel of leaders in the trenches navigating these changes every day. The team will discuss how hybrid work (whatever that means) is impacting digital transformation and the nuances of unwinding technology decisions and keeping your job. They’ll talk about breaking down the silos and using digital transformation as the catalyst to embrace DevOps and cloud-native technologies.

Finally, attendees will look into the future and learn:

  1. Why digital transformation remains a corporate imperative
  2. How emerging technologies (like Wasm) can accelerate transformation efforts
  3. The role of service providers and technology tools in the transformation efforts
Paolo Juvara Sanjib Sahoo Nicholas Parrotta