Austin Parker
Head of DevRel
Just another internet cowboy trying to make it another mile before sunset.
I've been writing code and slingin' bits for over thirty years now, and I've made a living from it for about half that time. From waiting tables to SELECT * FROM table, I've done a bit of everything and then some. I'm primarily interested in organizations -- how they form, who and why decisions are made, the informal and formal structures that underpin our daily lives. This understanding allows us to create better organizations, teams and software.

Austin Parker is the head of developer relations at Lightstep and has been creating problems with computers for most of his life. He’s a maintainer of the OpenTelemetry project, the host of several podcasts, organizer of Deserted Island DevOps, infrequent Twitch streamer, conference speaker and more. When he’s not working, you can find him posting on Twitter, cooking and parenting. His most recent book is Distributed Tracing in Practice, published by O’Reilly Media.
Austin Parker