Questions? Check out the FAQ:
- Click on the "Watch Session" button under the session title - it will take you to the session page. If the session hasn't started yet, you will land in the waiting room. You can also access individual sessions through the sponsor booths in the Exhibit Hall.
- Click on the "Exhibit Hall" on the top site menu. To enter a sponsor booth, you can either click on the "Exhibit Hall" in the drop down to view all of our booths or you can select a specific booth from the drop-down. We have amazing sponsors joining us today - make sure to visit them all!
- All the sessions become available onDemand immediately. Missed one? Don't worry - it is still accessible to watch. Keep in mind that live chats and Q&A sessions are only available during the announced session times.
- Request a Meeting allows you to set up a 1:1 virtual meeting. When you send a meeting request to a booth representative via "Request a Meeting" button, a booth representative receives the request on their personal calendar, and can accept or deny the meeting. Meetings will reflect on your calendar in corresponding colors.
- Today's event features over 50 speaking sessions, 20 industry solutions providers, an amazing performance by DJ Adaa, a free consultation test clinic to get your website performance tested, a virtual quiz challenge with prizes, and a fun photo booth to capture the memorable experience!