Full Name
Ian Morrison
Job Title
GKIM Digital
Speaker Bio
Ian Morrison supports entrepreneurs with his brilliant command of technology and business. He helps them develop their digital strategies, plan their software development and assure the success of their business.

He has been a technology innovator all of his life. Brought up in the UK, Ian was a whizkid in the early days of video games. He developed #1 hits on both sides of the Atlantic, with development studios of his own, working for companies like Sony & Nintendo.

Ian has a Masters degree in engineering and an MBA, driven by his lifelong desire to turn technology into successful business solutions.
After university, Ian relocated to Asia and spearheaded many innovations in digital marketing, interactive TV and Augmented Reality. He helped win many awards and industrial acclaim for his work.

GKIM - his latest software development company based in Vietnam, Ian has focused more and more on business solutions for entrepreneurs. He finds the diverse challenges of new business ideas from all around the world to be exciting. They have given him, and his team, a true understanding of lean startups, effective software strategies and successful product design.

GKIM has proven expertise in the virtual administration of areas as diverse as Mental Health, General Medicine and Genetic Testing and successfully delivered TeleHealth solutions tailored to the needs of an international range of hospitals, virtual clinics and entrepreneurs in medical service delivery.
Ian Morrison